A comprehensive listing of building and house construction companies in Thailand.

ผู้รับเหมา - งานวางท่อ

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Others 1 record(s) found.

Plumbing is any system that conveys fluids for a wide range of applications. Heating and cooling, waste removal, and potable water delivery are among the most common uses for plumbing. Plumbing utilizes pipes, valves, plumbing fixtures, tanks, and other apparatuses to convey fluids. Trades that work with plumbing such as boilermakers, plumbers, and pipefitters are referred to the plumbing trade. In the Developed world plumbing infrastructure is critical for public health and sanitation.

Company Product & Service Description
TERM ENGINEERING CO LTD  เติมเอ็นจิเนียริ่ง บจก.

ห้อง 250 ชั้น 25 อาคารไทย ซี. ซี. ทาวเวอร์ 889 ถนนสาทรใต้
แขวงยานนาวา เขตสาธร
กรุงเทพฯ 10120